VBS 2017 – Camp Omega Daycamp
Location: St. Peter Belvidere
Monday July 31 – Thursday August 3
entering 1st – 6th grades: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
4 years old to entering kindergarten: 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday August 4
all ages 8 – noon, closing program and potluck at 11
-Registration is free until July 15. After July 15 registration is $20.
-Snacks/lunch provided.
-Snacks/lunch provided.
-Students entering 7th & 8th grade are encouraged to attend as ministry leaders.
-Spread the word! Everyone is welcome!
Want to help? Here are a few ideas:
-Provide lunch or snack.
-send in clean tin cans for one of the crafts (like vegetable cans)
-Pray for the counselors and the campers!
Contact Michelle Benrud or Amy Alkire to register or “sign up” to help.