Memo From Pastor Frentz about COVID-19

interoffice memorandum


Members of Bethany and Saint Peter’s Lutheran Churches


pastor frentz


COVID-19 (Corona Virus)


March 16, 2020

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In short, these are most certainly difficult times.  The Corona virus continues to spread and with each passing day we are learning about more and more restrictions and recommendations regarding gatherings of people.  After consultation with the leadership at both churches, we will be implementing the following policies.  Please note that all of these decisions were made with the best interest of our members, staff and neighbors at its heart.

  • Beginning March 16 all extra activities at church are cancelled. This includes Bible Study, Youth Group, committee and council meetings.  Any work that needs to be done by a committee or the council will be accomplished after church or electronically.
  • The following changes are being implemented during church services.
    • The offering plate will not be passed throughout the church, people may put their offering in a plate that will be available in the Narthex.
    • Greeters will not be used and ushers will not distribute the bulletin.
    • Communion will be a continuous line with Pastor distributing the wafer and the elder on duty distributing the individual cup.
    • The passing of the peace and pastor greeting is temporarily halted as well.
    • Other changes may take place as become necessary.
  • As of this time, there is no intention to stop our worship services. We will remain flexible and follow the advice of those who are more qualified to make that decision.  President Harrison of the LCMS reminds all of us that we are citizens of two kingdoms and must also obey the laws of the land.

Some may consider this an overabundance of caution but there’s a saying in the fire department that we would rather respond to 1,000 false alarms than have 1 person not call for help when they should have.

Jesus Christ is still the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  With the Lord’s help we will come through this experience.  May our Lord watch over us, our churches and those tasked with protecting us.  Amen

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