June 2021


      Bethany Lutheran church council asks that we follow the CDC guidelines during worship services at this time. If you are fully vaccinated a mask is not required. For those who are unvaccinated or under the age of 12 we recommend continuing to wear a mask while in the church building. Masks are not required outdoors.



Women’s Bible Study will be starting a new study starting in June. We will be studying Colossians and Philemon. Everyone is invited to join us. The first and 3rd Monday’s of the month at 10:00am. June 7th and 21st. 


For the months of June, July and August we will worship inside the church on communion Sunday’s, the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. We will worship outside on non-communion Sundays. In the event of bad weather, we will move inside the church.


There will be a meeting on June 22nd at 10:00am to determine the future of the annual Thanksgiving dinner. Open to everyone that wants to help.


The Hog Roast will be on Saturday August 28th from 4:30-7:00pm or until the food is gone. This is a lot of work and we need a lot of help on that day. Please save the day and contact Pat Blum with any questions and to offer your assistance. We are counting on workers to make this possible. All proceeds will go back to our community.


Volunteers are needed to water the flower pots at church. You would only need to commit to one week a month. See Char Gnotke if you are able to help.


VBS 2021 at St. Peter Belvidere will be July 12-16, 2021. This is for (those going into) 4yr old Preschool through (those going into) 6th grade. 4yr old Preschoolers and Kindergartners will attend half days in the mornings. 1st-6th graders will attend full days. Our last day, July 16th will be a half day for all children, ending with a program. Anyone older than 6th grade is welcome to come help! Contact Amy Alkire if you can help out. A link to register was sent out via email. Please contact Michelle at bethanylc4@hotmail.com if you need the link sent again. Registration will be free until June 20. After June 20, registration is $20.

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